Get Involved!!
Become a PIPA member
By being a member of PIPA, you can get directly involved in PIPA activities and have a say. Membership is open to parents of preterm infants and anyone who has an interest in the care and support of children born preterm.
Membership is only $10 per annum.
As PIPA is a 100% volunteer charity all membership fees go directly to support PIPA activities
Join Now
PIPA receives no government funding or ongoing corporate support. It relies on the generosity of the community, both individuals and organisations.
Donate Now at
All donations go directly to support parents.
Gifts of $2 or more are tax deductible.
Volunteer with PIPA
PIPA depends on the support of its wonderful volunteers to run its activities. So, if you are a parent to a prem, have some spare time, have a passion for helping others and want to give back to your community consider volunteering with PIPA.
PIPA has many different opportunities for volunteering including:
Become part of the parent support network
Assist with events e.g. “prems in the park” family picnic, World Prematurity Day Activities
Assist with fundraising activities
Packing days e.g. special day gifts, new prem parent packs
Email PIPA at for further information.

Fundraise for PIPA
PIPA need the support of the community, individuals, and businesses to organise fundraising. If your life as been touched by the birth of a premature baby or you know someone who has fundraise for a cause close to your heart.
There are different ways you can fundraise for PIPA:
Run or walk
Use your participation in one of the many funs runs or marathons to raise vital funds for families of preterm babies and the hospitals which take care of them e.g. Bridge to Brisbane, Sunshine Coast Marathon, Gold Coast Marathon
Workplace or School
Host a morning tea or awareness day in your workplace or school e.g. Go Purple for World Prematurity Day morning tea.
Have free dress or superheroes gold coin donation day.
Have a PIPA donation tin in your workplace or business
Any other fundraising activity
Events ran by your sporting or social clubs can provide opportunities to fundraise for PIPA e.g. exhibitions, sporting events, quiz night, karaoke night, sausage sizzle, car wash, garage sale etc.
To create a fundraising page for PIPA go to
Email PIPA at to see how we can help you with your fundraising . For example. a letter of authority to show that your event has PIPA’s approval and is genuine, branded PIPA flyers, posters, and balloons, a mention on our website and Facebook page or a PIPA representative to attend your event

Sew or Knit for PIPA
Considering knitting or sewing for PIPA? There is always a need for neonatal positioning cushions, beanies and baby blankets and wraps. Blankets etc. should be 28 to 30 inches width by 35 inches wide or 70 cms by 90 cms approximately.
PIPA has patterns available. Email us at .
Peanut Cushions & U-Cushions
Bonding Hearts
Blankets & Wraps
Prem Cardigans
Note: Patterns are distributed at no charge on the basis that articles made from them are not sold. Rather they are donated to PIPA for distribution to parents or to hospital nurseries directly. The patterns can also be used for items given freely to family members and friends.
Tips for Sewing and Knitting
Always use soft yarns and fabrics. Premature babies have very fragile and sensitive skin.
When choosing colours and patterns for your yarns and fabric remember you are making the item for a baby. If you would choose it for a baby, it would most likely be chosen by someone else.
Use materials that can be easily washed and dried.
Check with PIPA what items are most needed.
If you are knitting or sewing for your local hospital nursery check with them what is needed.

Bonding Hearts

Peanut Cushions


Bonding Hearts